Saving your sesssionΒΆ

If you are here, hopefully you were able to specify a tenant, Initiating a Session, create an oauth client, OAuth Clients, and get an access token Access Tokens.

To store your session, you can use save_configs.

>>> agave.save_configs()

save_configs takes an optional argument, cache_dir which tells Agave the directory where you want to store your configurations otherwise it will default to ~/.agave.

save_configs will store your configurations in a file named config.json. If you use default parameters, this file will be in ~/.agave/config.json. save_configs also writes a current file for backward-compatibility with other Agave tools.

The configuration file will look something like this:

    "current": {
        "my_super_cool_client": {
            "tenantid": "sd2e",
            "baseurl": "",
            "devurl": "",
            "apisecret": "some-secret",
            "apikey": "some-key",
            "username": "your-username",
            "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "created_at": "1539708516",
            "expires_in": 14400,
            "expires_at": "Tue Oct 16 20:48:36 UTC 2018"
    "sessions": {
        "sd2e": {
            "your-username": {
                "my_super_cool_client": {
                    "tenantid": "sd2e",
                    "baseurl": "",
                    "devurl": "",
                    "apisecret": "some-secret",
                    "apikey": "some-key",
                    "username": "your-username",
                    "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "created_at": "1539706810",
                    "expires_in": 14400,
                    "expires_at": "Tue Oct 16 20:20:10 UTC 2018"