OAuth Clients

Creating a client

Once you have specified the tenant you wish to interact with Initiating a Session we can go ahead and create an oauth client, which in turn we will use to obtain and refresh tokens.

To create a client use the method clients_create. This method takes two arguments, the client’s name and a description, both strings.

>>> from agavepy.agave import Agave
>>> ag = Agave(tenant_id="sd2e")
>>> ag.init()
>>> agave.clients_create("my_super_cool_client", "my client's desciption")
API username: your-username
API password:
>>> agave.api_key, agave.api_secret
('some-weird-looking-string', 'of-characters-that-agave-needs')

We will need the api_key and api_secret down the road to generate access tokens.

Listing all clients

To list all agave oauth clients registered for a given user, one can use the clients_list() method.

>>> ag.clients_list()
API username: your-username
API password:
NAME                           DESCRIPTION
client-name                    some description

Deleting a client

If you want to delete an oauth client, you can do as such:

>>> ag.clients_delete("some-client-name")
API password:

If you don’t pass a client name to clients_delete, then the Agave object will try to delete the oauth client in its current session.

Subscribing to an API

To subscribe to a TACC api you need to know the api name, the api version, and the api provider. If you want to subscribe an oauth client to a TACC api, then you can do so as follows:

>>> ag.clients_subscribe("PublicKeys", "v2", "admin", client_name="client")

You can also specify the optional function argument client_name. This should be a string and can be used to subscribe an oauth client not in the current session.

List client subscriptions

To list client subscriptions you can use the clients_subscriptions method:

>>> ag.clients_subscribtions()
API password:
Apps                v2    admin
Files               v2    admin
Jobs                v2    admin
Meta                v2    admin
Monitors            v2    admin
Notifications       v2    admin
Postits             v2    admin
Profiles            v2    admin
Systems             v2    admin
Transforms          v2    admin
PublicKeys          v2    admin

Like clients_subscribe, you can optionally specify the client_name argument to list the subscriptions for another existing oauth client that you own.